Books (Proceedings)
Physics and Chemistry of Star Formation
The Dynamical ISM Across Time and Spatial Scales
Volker Ossenkopf-Okada, Reinhold Schaaf, Isabelle Breloy, Jürgen Stutzki 2023
Proceedings of the 7th Chile-Cologne-Bonn-Symposium
Publisher: Universitäts- und Stadtbibliothek Köln (USB)
The Dynamical ISM Across Time and Spatial Scales, held September 26th to 30th 2022 in Puerto Varas, Chile, continued the series of conferences on the dense interstellar medium, its physics and chemistry, and its relation to star formation. The Symposium brought together about 135 scientists from 17 countries. With 74 talks (7 reviews, 29 invited, and 38 contributed talks) and 56 posters. The material compiled in these proceedings provide a good summary and overview of the state of the field and the upcoming perspectives, and a valuable benchmark just before new facilities like CCAT-prime come online.
Mothers in Astronomy
Pinilla, P., Ramirez-Tannus, M.C., Rosas, M.I.S. 2020
Free access. Creative Commons (CC) BY-NC-SA 4.0
The Mothers in Astronomy book collects 75 stories from different mothers working in Astronomy around the world.
The book aims to:- Amplify the voices of Mothers in Astronomy.- Raise awareness of the challenge we face.- Highlight the positive impact of motherhood on their careers.- Create collective empowerment by inspiring and supporting each other.
The book aims to:- Amplify the voices of Mothers in Astronomy.- Raise awareness of the challenge we face.- Highlight the positive impact of motherhood on their careers.- Create collective empowerment by inspiring and supporting each other.